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Proper Preparation for Hiring is Critical to Avoid Extra Costs

The pressure is on to fill positions in the company. You and the hiring manager are overlooking some aspect of hiring to get new people hired quickly. coworkers taking up the slack and they are at the breaking point. However, finding the wrong candidate is worse than finding no candidates. It could means having to start over again in a few months.

According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the cost of a bad hiring decision can be as much as 30 percent of an employee’s annual salary. That is a whopping $24,000 in lost expenses for an $80,000 position.

U.S Department of Labor has also calculated the average hiring cost and to just interview, hire, and train an new employee, on average costs an employer roughly $2,500 per hire.

Do not let the pressure put you in a situation to choose too hastily. Take the time to avoid these common hiring mistakes and get the right fit the first time. Also make sure you are following the laws to avoid litigation.

Failure to Prepare for the Hiring Process.

The preparation for the is critical to successful recruiting. Before you place that ad, make sure you know what (not who) you are hiring. That starts with a current and accurate job description that outlines the work, not the worker. Meet with the manager to plan strategy and together, review the job description to get the perfect fit. “When was the last time the job description was reviewed?” you ask. You cringe when they answer, “What job description?” or “No idea.” But the time you take now to get it current is time well spent. HR Simplistic can help you to create proper job descriptions.

Getting the duties right gives you the power to get the hire right. What are the most important responsibilities of the job? What do they do daily, weekly, monthly, annually? What experience, skills or degree is required? What physical requirements need to be met? Having that information is key. Managers need to be told that the job cannot be posted until the job description was current. Once managers are told this fact they admitted the hour or so spent in preparation helped them hire the right candidate – who usually became a long-term, valued employee.

Provide a great candidate experience using our “Interview Preparation Checklist”

Once the description is up to date, ask the manager for characteristics they believe a candidate will need to be successful in the spot. These qualities are not easy to spot on a resume, but can be sought during the interview process, helping you find just the right fit.

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