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Harassment Prevention Training in California


California has mandated all California-based companies with 5 or more employees to provide harassment prevention training to all supervisory employees since 2005.

Since January 1, 2019, the law (SB1343) has expanded this requirement to include both non-supervisory and supervisory employees for companies with five (5) or more employees.

It is important to get your employees trained to be compliant with the employment laws in California. This training should have been done by January 1, 2020 and must then occur every two years. Also, newly hired or promoted supervisors must receive this training within 6 months. If you need to train your employees we can help you complete the process.

Currently, seasonal and temporary employees hired to work less than six months, must be trained within 30 calendar days after their hire or within 100 hours worked, whichever is earlier.

Harassment Prevention is a topic of great importance to provide a safe and non-discriminatory environment for employees. The training will allow an interactive discussion that leads to better communication and the development of respectful interpersonal interactions within your employee pool.

Harassment Prevention education and awareness will also help employers mitigate their risk and potential violations of various laws (sexual, age, ADA and other forms of harassment since a garden variety of claims are on the rise).

According to California law, the harassment prevention training must provide:

  • One-hour session for all non-supervisory employees

  • Two-hour session for all supervisory employees

  • Training must be interactive

  • Training must include practical guidance and information about State and Federal laws, including prevention and remedies for victims

  • Non-English-speaking workforce must receive training in languages they speak (ask us about our Spanish training courses)

  • Companies must train new hires or those who have been promoted to management within six months of hire or promotion date

  • Training must be repeated every two years

  • The California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) provides great resources on this topic.

Give us a call and we can help you arrange the Harassment Prevention Training for your managers and employees. We offer online training services for your business in English and Spanish. Don't take the chance of not being compliant. Give us a call at 760-779-3300.

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