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Cal/OSHA Votes to Drop Workplace Mask Rule for Fully Vaccinated Workers

As an employer you need to make sure you follow the rules of the Cal/OSHA and keep your employees and customers safe in your day-to-day operations. HR Simplistic can help you with the guidelines you need to set up for your business operation. The following gives you information from the last OSHA vote on mas

k wearing and more:

“California regulators have approved revised worksite pandemic rules that allow fully vaccinated employees the the same freedoms as when they are off the job.

The revised regulations adopted Thursday come after weeks of confusion. They conform with general state guidelines by ending most mask rules for people who are vaccinated against the coronavirus.

The governor-appointed California Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board approved them on a 5-1 vote.

Gov. Gavin Newsom planned to quickly issue an executive order sidestepping the usual legal review that would normally keep the rules from taking effect until June 28.

The rules apply in almost every workplace in the state, including to workers in offices, factories, and retail.

  • Fully vaccinated employees will not need to wear masks, except in locations like mass transit and classrooms where they are required for everyone, or in the event of outbreaks.

  • Physical distancing will also end except for certain workers during major outbreaks.

  • Vaccinated employees also will not need to be tested or quarantined unless they show symptoms, even if they have close contact with an infected person.

  • Employers must document that their workers who skip masks indoors are indeed fully vaccinated. But employers have the choice of requiring workers to show proof of vaccination or allowing employees to self-attest to their vaccination status, with the employer keeping a record of who self-attests.

  • They could also decide to require everyone to remain masked – vaccinated or not. And vaccinated employees will still be able to wear masks if they choose without facing retaliation."

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